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Holy Week

A Look at the most important week in history

In recognizing the centrality of the events of Holy Week to our faith, we have sought to provide a resource to aid in your study of these events.


Palm Sunday: The Triumphal Entry

At the opening of Holy Week, the Lamb of God enters Jerusalem. The crowds cheer with excitement, referencing Messianic anticipation. Is it real? Are they beginning to recognize who Jesus is, or are they excited about who they want Him to be?


Audio: "A Warning on Desiring Another Jesus"

(Mark 11:1-11)

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Holy Monday: A Sermon on Judgment

As Monday of Holy Week arrives, we turn to the events in Mark 11:12-19. We will see the unusual miracle of the cursing of the fig tree, which is told in combination with Christ's cleansing of the Temple. Together, these events reveal a surprising and serious message about the judgment of God.


Audio: "Monday of Holy Week: Two Stories...One Message"

(Mark 11:12-19)

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Holy Tuesday: The Authority of Jesus

Tuesday of Holy Week covers Mark 11:27 - 13:37. While it is impossible to adequately cover all that happened on this amazing day in history, there is an important theme running through this text which speaks to the authority of Christ.


Audio: "Tuesday of Holy Week: The Authority of Jesus"

(Mark 11:27-13:37)

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Holy Wednesday: Rest and Adoration

Wednesday of Holy Week covers Mark 14:3-11. While this is often called a day of rest (since Jesus remained in Bethany), it provides one of the most beautiful acts of adoration recorded in the Scriptures.


Audio: "Wednesday of Holy Week: A Day of Rest and Adoration"

(Mark 14:3-11)

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Holy Thursday: Providence and Prayer

Thursday of Holy Week focuses on the majority of Mark 14. Our main focus is on the providence of God as seen in Christ's fulfillment of prophesies and Old Testament pictures. We will also look at Christ's prayer in the Garden.


Audio: "Thursday of Holy Week: A Day of Providence and Prayer"

(Mark 14:12-42)

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Holy Friday: Christ Crucified

Good Friday of Holy Week focuses on Mark chapter 15. There, we see our Christ, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, journey to Calvary's cross. While looking like indescribable loss, God has actually accomplished the greatest of victories!


Audio: "Friday of Holy Week: The Lamb of God Slain"

(Mark 14:53-15:47)

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Holy Saturday: The Grave

Saturday of Holy Week is generally neglected in the modern church, as we often skip from Friday to Sunday, but it was not always this way. The early church recognized the importance of the death and burial of Jesus.


Audio: "Saturday of Holy Week: He Descended to the Dead"

(Mark 15:42-47)

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Easter Sunday: Christ Arose!

Easter Sunday concludes our journey through Holy Week from Mark's Gospel as we celebrate the risen Christ. In Mark 16:1-8, we will see a group of women who plan to anoint a corpse, but instead they learn that it is impossible for death to hold the Lord of Life! Praise the Lord! He is risen; He is risen, indeed!


Audio: "Easter Sunday of Holy Week: He is Risen"

(Mark 16:1-8)

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